Sunday, April 17, 2011

Great Blue Heron

Large wading birds such as this heron are common visitors to the wetlands especially in Everglades National Park.  The Great Blue is a magnificent combination of blues, grays and whites.  Long necks allow for fishing in shallow waters as well as preening feathers on his back.  These birds are frequently seen in areas around ponds and lakes that provide small fish for their dining pleasure.  Long legs allow them to shadow the area over the fish they are seeking and they strike faster than the human eye can follow.  Winter brings many varieties of wading birds to the lakes and ponds in the Park.  This painting is 20x10 and is available directly from the artist.  Contact at

Great White Heron

These large wading birds are a frequent resident of southern areas of the country.  These paintings were made from photographs taken in Everglades National Park.  Winter months are a great time in this Park to observe many types of wading birds both large and small.  The green mark between this bird's beak and eyes denotes the breeding season.  Their long necks can be twisted around easily for preening feathers and checking out the neighborhood!  Wading through shallow waters, they forage for small fish upon which to dine.

Sunflowers in Blue Vase

Sunflowers are popular subjects for paintings and the colors of blue and yellow go well together.  This 16x20 painting shows off both the color and the subject.  It is available directly from the artist.  Contact at